Ameer finally joins the bandwagon of the already successful director-turned-heroes with his Yogi. With this, he will challenge the likes of Cheran and Sundar C who have been accepted into the mainstream by Tamil cinema. Subramania Siva will direct the Ameer starrer Yogi. Siva declares that Ameer plays a rustic baddie in his Yogi and that his plot is tad different from the rest of the movies. “Ameer has no intention to enjoy the privileges of being a hero or to throw tantrums on the sets,” states Siva. “That is not the reason he decided to take up the role. I wanted a face just like Ameer’s and I thought I might as well direct him.” Siva replies.
Ameer does not have a heroine paired opposite him for Yogi. However, the director is busy searching for a schoolgirl with adolescent looks for an important role. “Ameer plays a rowdy in my film and the story is about his friendship with a schoolgirl,” Siva points out as a matter of fact.
Ameer does not have a heroine paired opposite him for Yogi. However, the director is busy searching for a schoolgirl with adolescent looks for an important role. “Ameer plays a rowdy in my film and the story is about his friendship with a schoolgirl,” Siva points out as a matter of fact.
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