The world still can't get enough of Shivaji, which features superstar Rajinikanth and Shreya Saran in the lead. When the movie in its Tamil version celebrates its 50th day of running today, it will soon be dubbed into Hindi, Chinese and Japanese. The films investors have recovered all the investment that has gone into Shivaji worldwide and they are reaping rich profits off the film. The city's theatres are still screening the film to packed houses. Reacting to this response from audiences, the producer AVM Saravanan has decided to get the film dubbed in Hindi, Chinese and Japanese. His idea to dub the film has been received by the films music composer AR Rahman and Superstar Rajini. The ace composer has agreed to redo the songs with Japanese, Chinese and Hindi lyrics. Imagine what the 'Ballelakka...' song will sound like in Chinese? As far as the Hindi dubbed version goes, Rajini himself will dub for the film. He is known to dub himself for his Hindi films but he interestingly doesn't dub for his Tamil films. So it will be a Rajini first.
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Labels: 50 days, A R Rahman, Rajini, Rajini - Sivaji, Shreya
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